"Shattered" got across the effects of dehydration on endurance athletes through a very visceral technique. Sales increased by more than 600%.
"Chemistry" leveraged the style of Eadweard Muybridge's motion studies of the late 1800s. This simple side-by-side comparison helped stop a sales slide Gatorade had been experiencing.
"Everyday Athletes" was created on the fact that heavy salt sweat (yes, there is such a thing) shows up under black light. We lit up the Gatorade to demonstrate that it puts back what athletes sweat out.
With our hydration spots helping sales domestically, we were asked to create spots for Gatorade's global markets. "Quest" explores Gatorade's superiority as the most researched sport drink in the world.
These are the companion print ads for "Everyday Athletes". Click to enlarge.
Hydration ads for Sports Illustrated Kids to give kids the ammunition they need to ask their mom to buy Gatorade. Click to enlarge.
This gatefold execution targeted moms since they buy most of the Gatorade. We split it into three spreads for later media buys. Click to enlarge.