As creative lead on social, content and PR, I was responsible for creative direction of media partnerships like this added value spot for the 2023 MLB Opening Day games.
Since we were building a social presence from scratch, we divided our organic feed into four subject pillars: feelings of “done”, life hacks, experts and surfing trends.
Feelings of “Done” - these posts were to support the TV spots beyond reposting them. Using Oddly Satisfying-style content expressed the relief of being done with tasks.
Life Hacks - our main competition wasn’t another app but YouTube tutorials. While we can’t beat free content, we can make it more entertaining. We successfully used posts to help push Frontdoor as a hack in its own right.
Frontdoor Experts - the big ownable asset beyond the technology are the Frontdoor Experts who are all licensed contractors in their respective fields. We started leaning into them not only for their subject matter expertise, but to be characters for the brand.
Trend Surfers - while we’d love to create trends, we started with zero followers and home improvement isn’t exactly the passion point for cultural trends. As a result we decided to instead, surf trends as they come all. This makes the brand feel very current and relevant to their audience.
Promos - as a rule aren’t something you should put into your organic feed, but if the business needs it… We allowed for limited promo posts as long as it wasn’t offer heavy.